Sebastian's Blog

software developer. security enthusiast.

Author: Sebastian

HV19.01 censored

I got this little image, but it looks like the best part got censored on the way. Even the tiny preview icon looks clearer than this! Maybe they missed something that would let you restore the original content? Challenge Description “Even the tiny preview icon looks clearer” – Googled for exif viewer, got and […]

I’m still alive!

Yes, there wasn’t much content on this blog. Originally I wanted to post my HackyEaster solutions but, as I haven’t had much time, I haven’t solved many challenges and, as you can see, I only posted about three. But currently I’m participating in this years HackVent and I’ll do my best to post write ups […]

Challenge 03: Sloppy Encryption

Challenge 03 got as some sort of an encrypted password and a ruby script which was used to encrypt the password. Additionally we got another Egg-O-Matic to turn the password into a flag. So obviously, this challenge is about decrypting the password. K7sAYzGlYx0kZyXIIPrXxK22DkU4Q+rTGfUk9i9vA60C/ZcQOSWNfJLTu4RpIBy/27yK5CBW+UrBhm0= So, I went backwards through the encryption code, line by line, splitted […]

Challenge 02: Just Watch

The second challenge got the name just watch. We got a gif containing a password and an Egg-O-Matic to decrypt the flag. Clearly, the gif is about sign language. So googling for a sign language alphabet got me this. To have enough time to search for the right sign and to get the order straight, […]

Challenge 01: Twisted

The first challenge is named twisted. It comes with a twisted image of an easter egg containing the challenge number ’01’ and a qr-code. The hint reads ‘as usual, the first one is very easy – just a little twisted, maybe.’ So clearly, it’s about a qr-code, but we have to ‘untwist’ the image, since […]

Welcome to my blog!

Hey! Welcome to my blog. My name is Sebastian and I study applied computer science and work as a software developer. I also like playing around with it security related things, such as challenges like hacky easter or hackvent. Sometimes I do hardware related projects using an arduino or a raspberry pi. Apart from that, […]